Monday, January 19, 2015


Principles are extremely important to me. I appreciate what principles stand for and what they represent. One principle that rings substantially important to me is that you should always try. For most of people lives, they never grow the courage to do the things they once dreamed of doing. Being an astronaut, a singer, the president, or a superhero (okay maybe not the last one.) All of the dreams that we had when we were younger seemed so real and that one day, we'd become that amazing figure we'd once dreamt of being. But then all of that changes. Why it changes can be a number of things. The main thing though, is not willing to try. Try. That word as small as it may be, is one of the biggest words in my vocabulary.

'try (verb) 

: to make an effort to do something : to attempt to accomplish or complete something

: to do or use (something) in order to see if it works or will be successful

: to do or use (something) in order to find out if you like it

To try means to start. Begin. Effort. Guts. Integrity. Brave. These are the positive sides to trying. But there is also a negative. The negative side of the word try, is usually the side that makes people fearful of trying. To try means to ultimately deal with laziness, and failure. Trying is one of the bravest things anyone can do. To try means to not care what anyone thinks. To try means to fight for that astronaut, the singer, the president, and hell even that superhero. If you try and succeed, amazing. If you try and fail, amazing. You TRIED. You put it on the line. Simply knowing you put in effort, went for something, and tried, should be a success all on its own. Don't be afraid to try. Be who you want to be, and try.


  1. Isn't the idea of trying relative? Did you try to end racism toward blue people? Well, yeah I talked to a Smurf opposed to I campaigned, I protested, I boycotted, I refused to participate in a society that condones ill-treatment of the Smurfs.

  2. I think that this blog was really powerful and I definitely agree. It is always important to try because once you stop, it's like nothing else really matters. And also, I believe that effort is contagious to a certain extent (if that makes any sense). For example, if you're with your R.O.D "studying" and your friend doesn't want to put forth any effort to ace a test, you might not feel like studying yourself. You broke it down g
