Sunday, September 28, 2014

6 Words. 6 Stories.

  1. Anger with one; no more earrings.
  2. CVS Pharmacy; five long hospital days.
  3. Stories told, and no more sleep.
  4. Fear of failure; eighteen crying years.
  5. One more fry; your daughters funeral.
  6. New romance; spend allowance on earbuds.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge

 In the book, "The Crucible," the town of Salem fears that they have evil and witch craft walking among them. They jump to this conclusion when rumors about a group of girls are accused of practicing witch craft in the woods. Among the girls accused is a girl by the name of Abigail. Abigail is having an affair with a married man by the name of John Proctor, who has many years upon her age. John Proctor is one of the main characters in the novel, and had a tragic story. I would define John as a tragic hero. John did break one of the 10 commandments, Thou shalt not commit adultery. He defined himself as a Christian man, but didn't follow threw with a lot of his good Christian ways. For one, his son wasn't baptized, two, he couldn't recite his 10 commandments (forgetting the one he committed, adultery), and three not going to church regularly. With all of these things in mind, I still see John as a hero. He not only fought for the freedom of his wife, but also try to get Abigail out of his life, and try and start over with his wife. John attempted to make things better, definitely a heroic effort. He also did the right thing in the end, which was taking the heat, and getting his life taken away from him. He could've easily lied about what happened, and blame someone else, but he didn't, and that was tremendously heroic. I don't see John Proctor as a stooge whatsoever, and he is one of my favorite characters in, "The Crucible."

Saturday, September 13, 2014

There Goes the Neighborhood

In the excerpt from the Christopher Columbus journal, we were able to see how Christopher Columbus invaded the Native Americans territory. The Native Americans welcomed Christopher Columbus and his people with open arms and only the best intentions. But, Christopher Columbus manipulated the Natives and majorly discarded the trust the Natives had for them. Looking back in history, we can see that Christopher Columbus was in the wrong for trying and converting the Natives religion, along with taking them as slaves, but I would have to bring up the point of the Natives being to accepting. Yes, trust may be something valuable in Native American culture, but letting these settlers who you have no information on or what their intentions are, wasn’t very smart. Although, they might’ve not been able to control their destiny, they could’ve been more protective and guarded with the land and civilization that they spent their whole lives establishing. I can relate the Native Americans and settlers clashing with modern day racial clashing. A lot of the time when theirs a neighborhood with a certain race majority (white, black, Hispanic, etc.) and another race moves into the neighborhood, theirs usually some type of verbal conflict between the neighborhood citizens. For example, if a white family moves into an all-black neighborhood, there is most likely going to be some kind of internal or external conflict in the neighborhood. This could be for multiple reasons, one being the diversity, and another being that the community is afraid they’re going to be ran out by the new race that’s moved into their neighborhood. The black people, in this example, had a different mindset then the Natives did. The Natives didn’t know what was to come, and we can’t blame them for what happened to them, but they could’ve put up a bit of a guard when it came to the settlers taking over their civilization.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


I am a product of God. This means that I have a purpose on this Earth, I may not know what my purpose is, but that’s okay. Holding on to a little grimace of hope that I have a purpose, gets me through the day. I love music and movies. My family means everything to me and I owe everything to them. I live for theater. It’s an art form that has been around for ages, and it feels like home to me whenever I’m on a stage or reading a script. I don’t like people who are ignorant and feel like they know everything, because no one knows everything. I would say that I don’t like failure, because for all of my life it was this terrifying thing that I let define who I was, but failure is okay. If I failed whilst doing my best, then I don’t worry about it. Old 90’s cartoons always put a smile on my face, especially the Power Puff Girls! I love English and the different aspects that it has to offer. I don’t know who or what I am, but for right now I can tell you what I want to be….happy.